NRL22 shoot
NRL22 shoot
7:30 sign up 8:00 shooting $20.00 match fee $5.00 optional cold bore shot winner take all $5.00 optional day money winner take all
7:30 sign up 8:00 shooting $20.00 match fee $5.00 optional cold bore shot winner take all $5.00 optional day money winner take all
CMP-Affidavit CMP-Military-Rifle-Match-191005-Entry-Form CMP-Military-Rifle-Match-191005-Announcement
7:30 sign up 8:00 shooting $20.00 match fee $5.00 optional cold bore shot winner take all $5.00 optional day money winner take all
Meet at the Ranger Station on the westside of Lake McMurtry. Given by Kirk Mittelstet